Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Countdown Begins

34 Weeks today.  We went to the doctor yesterday and somehow I had lost 2.5 pounds but the baby gained 5 ounces.  It is still super small though, less than 4 pounds.  I don't know how I lost weight, I've been eating and I think I'm retaining water because my finges are HUGE!  The doctor said that if I don't have the baby within the next 3 weeks naturally they will do a C section and take it at that point.  No induction here, apparently the baby is too small and it's too tramatic for it.  Also, if I do go into labor naturally unless it is a quick labor, they will do a C Section.  I have to admit I am bummed.  I have never wanted a C Section.  I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I had Scoliosis surgery when I was 12 and I don't think I can have an epidural.  Well, my surgeon told me I couldn't but my OBGYN told me it may be possible.  This means they may have to put me under completely for the birth.  How bad does that suck?  I've waited so long for this, I want to watch the baby be born or be pulled out of me.  Yes, I'm that wierd person who wants to witness the birth up close and personal.  Oh well, I shouldn't complain, I know I am blessed to be at this stage. 

The only thing on the agenda is to try to eat more, rest, get the house in order and hopefully get the baby's stuff together.  My mom and I have been washing clothes today and trying to organize.  The crib should be delivered within the next week.  The sooner the better.

1 comment:

  1. Argh! How frustrating. I hope that you are able to have a spinal so you can see the birth even if a c-section isn't ideal. I'll be hoping your little monkey keeps growing!
