Friday, July 16, 2010

23 week ultrasound pictures

Here are a couple of pictues from our 23 week ultrasound.  The first one is kind of a wierd angle so I've included descriptions. We didn't get any good pictures at the 24 week photo session.  Hopefully we will have more cooperation for week 26.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  We're headed to the beach, it will be good to get some relief from this heat.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

24 Weeks!!!

24 weeks today. A milestone in my mind though I keep telling myself I will not celebrate milestones anymore because when I do, something seems to happen that puts me back in my place. At any rate, I feel happy. Happy to be at week 24 where if god forbid something happened out little one would still have a chance, happy that I finally slept through the night (I should add that my new standard of sleeping through the night means I didn’t get up to go to the bathroom and when I did wake up to roll over, I didn’t start reading but went back to sleep), happy that I don’t have the sharp knife like pain in my lower abdomen as bad as I did the last two days and very happy that my husband was able to feel our little one doing somersaults for quite awhile this morning (previously he has just felt an odd movement here or there, this was a full on show.)

Other than that, here’s a run down of things at this stage.

Uterus – a little off center, you can really see it if I lay on my back, the left side is fairly flat. When I’m standing it looks fairly normal. I’m curious to see what it will do as I get bigger.

Beach – We got a place at the beach for the summer. It took me about 2 months to get over my fear but I finally get in and stand in the water. The doctor told me I wasn’t allowed to swim, just stand. It feels good, takes pressure off my stomach and boobs.

Boobs – I think they may have grown again. The left one is now much larger than the right and I have this really weird vein on the side of my left one. It is gross!

Varicose Veins - Noticed a couple on my ankle the other day. Again, gross. Don’t want to search for any others, I’m afraid of what I will find.

Appetite – Fairly non existent. No real aversions or cravings but nothing really sounds good. Could be the heat, the summers are really hot over here!

Utrogesterone (progesterone) – The doctor told me I could start taking them only at night now but I’m scared to stop. I had the same problem when she told me to go to twice a day. When I start feeling better I will stop. I know it won’t hurt me or the baby to continue but I know I need to stop too. They are disguising too so it will be good to stop sticking my fingers up my hooha every morning.

Baby – He/she is moving quite a bit. I’m not sure if there is schedule or not like I keep reading about but I definitely feel him/her when I get up, try to go to sleep and while I’m at work. I can also tell when he/she is high or low in my uterus. High is much better.  Low is painful.

Husband – Taking good care of me, I feel bad that so much has been put on him because of this pregnancy. He has been so good to me.

Baby gear/names – We are still too scared to go there, maybe after our next appointment at 26 weeks, though we say that after each appointment. Were just afraid to jinx ourselves.

Good luck to everyone out there trying to get pregnant or pregnant. I know it is a long, hard emotional struggle.  I hope that by reading my blog and others you will know that you are not alone.

Friday, July 9, 2010

22/23 week update

Our 22 and 23 week appointments went well. The baby is on target and still has room to move in my unicorn uterus which is good. It weighs about 20 ounces now which is in the 54 percentile. The only thing we are a little concerned about is that our 22 week super ultrasound showed a small mark on the baby’s heart that increases our risk of down syndrome by 10% but our odds are still low. I think our chances now are 1 in 836 which isn’t too big. We’ll just continue to pray for a healthy baby. The doctor thinks I’m going to make it to 32 weeks at least :)

Does anyone else have horrible hip pain when they sleep? I now wake up from the pain and not to pee (though once I’m up to move positions, I head to the bathroom as well). As the doctor told me, I only lay on my sides and it feels like an elephant is sitting on my hip. I have a body pillow but that doesn’t seem to provide much relief. Any suggestions? Anyone going through the same thing?