Friday, May 28, 2010

17 weeks

We had our 17 week appointment and ultrasound on Wednesday and all looks good. We don’t have pictures to share as there weren’t any really clear images. I thought the belly was the head if that tells you anything. According to the Dr., all is going well, the baby has long legs and from what I could see a big body. Heartbeat was fine.

The doctor said she could tell if it was a boy or girl but I don’t want to know so she didn’t tell us. I think my husband may find out later. We’ll see at the next appointment. I think it may have been a little early to tell but although I may feel like a doctor after the year we’ve had, clearly I am not! My mom and best friend at home also want to know for logistical reasons. My mom wants to stock up on baby clothes in the States before she comes for the birth because it is so much cheaper. Well that and let’s face it she can’t take surprises. This is the lady who we hide her Christmas presents unwrapped in her closet until Christmas Eve so she won’t find them. Counter intuitive I know but it works. Then every Christmas Eve my dad and I get together and wrap them. Once we hid something at the neighbors. If they are wrapped under the tree she will unwrap them and wrap them again and you’ll never know. While she claims she wouldn’t do this anymore, we don’t think it’s true. As for my best friend, she had twins last September, a boy and a girl and she is going to keep all the clothes for which ever sex I need. This is awesome, I am so excited. Our kids will be almost exactly a year apart so seasons won’t matter and I’m not kidding you in the pictures I get of them (almost daily) they are never wearing the same clothes

Back to the appointment, the Dr. said I had put on a little too much weight (about 6 pounds in 3 weeks) so I have to watch what I eat a little more. Basically I’m a fat ass but what do they expect when they won’t let me exercise? Hopefully it will settle itself out since my appetite is back to normal and I don’t want to eat everything in sight. No threats yet of being put on the fat ward like my mom. I kid you not, she gave birth to my brother and I at a military hospital and she said they kept threathening to put her in the fat ward if she didn’t stop gaining so much weight. I need to figure out how much she gained. I think I’m going to blame it on my giant chest, I think I could give Dolly Parton a run for her money. I went from a 36C to a 38E and looks like I’m still growing. I’m talking porn star boobs. Too bad they aren’t good for anything as we are on a Dr. order sex ban (more on that later.)

Good news…it doesn’t look like we are going to have to have a clearage. The other ultrasound tech will check again at 22 weeks but so far so good. What a relief!! I was not looking forward to that.
My husband’s grandma is here from England visiting so we invited her to the ultrasound. I think she enjoyed being part of the experience. I say I think because while I’ve been here a year, I still don’t speak Greek and she’s lived in Engand for about 40 years and doesn’t speak English. Actually we both speak about 10 words of the other language so communicating is entertaining.

All in all things are going well. Though we’ve seen this kiddo quite a few times with the ultrasound and heard its heart beat, it still doesn’t seem real. Even when I went to look at maternity clothes yesterday I thought I was an imposter. Maybe when I feel it kicking or when my bump gets bigger. Guess this is the life of the infertiles, we are too cautious and scared to believe it is real.

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing at the whole fat ward thing! :) I gained five pounds over four weeks and also got the "be careful" speech! lol. I also have porn star boobage! It's very fun to see you progress as we're only a few days apart! I'm glad the kiddo is doing well! Take care of yourself!
