Friday, October 15, 2010

Saturday is the day

We got word that Saturday is the day.  At 8am our time which is 1am Saturday for all the East Coasters.  So many quick updates for today.

  • We had our final CGT test today and everything looked fine. 
  • We also did some blood work, not really sure why but oh well, what's one more needle stick. 
  • I also found out that 2 of my favorite nurses are working tomorrow which is great. 
  • The anaesthesiologist also assured me that it is ok to do an epidural with the rod in my back. 
  • The nursury is full today so I am very happy we didn't have the baby today.   It was too crazy in there.  There are babies coming out of the woodwork.  Hopefully tomorrow will be calmer.  Plus, it gave me an extra day to prepare mentally.
  • The pediatrician is set to come tomorrow for the delivery.
  • Last but not least, we've taken care of the cord blood registration.
All in all I think we are almost ready.  Hoping for at least a 5 pounder.  Next time I post, I'll be a mom.  How crazy is that?


  1. Lots of good baby delivery juju coming your way!!!!

  2. many many wishes that all went fine and hope we'll soon learn the news of the new born!!!
