It's a girl!!! I am so happy, her daddy wanted a girl so bad and seeing the two of them together is the best site in the world. The love and pride on his face brings tears to my eyes every time.
She was born Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 9am and weighs 5 lbs 2.8 ounces and is 17.9 inches long. She is so tiny, her little butt looks like two adult thumbs put together and her toes like little toothpicks. She is doing well, no problems at all. We both went home from the hospital after 3 days and are trying to get into a routine.
Her dad and I are over the moon. I will share more about the labor and delivery etc later. It's feeding time again. Thanks for all the well wishes.
Friday, October 22, 2010
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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! may she always be healthy and happy!!!!
I missed this! Congratulations that is so wonderful that it's a SHE and she is healthy! Yippee!