Friday, February 22, 2013

I know that I am not a good blogger.  I’m not good at keeping up with my daughters journal either.  It’s not that I don’t care.  I have written many entries in both (in my head) that have never made it to the page.  However, I do check up on you every week or so and feel your joy, trepidation and pain. 

Last January we started trying to go through IVF again.  It has been 13 months now and no baby or pregnancy yet.  Of those 13 months, we have tried in each of them to go through IVF but have only managed to make it through 3 unsuccessful cycles (with drugs and natural cycle).  What about the other 10 you ask?  CYSTS.  Yes that’s right, persistent, large ovarian cysts.  I thought today was finally my day but no, 2 large cysts on my left ovary are there.  So, it’s birth control for a month to see if we can get them to go away.  Frustrated doesn’t even begin to describe my emotion right now.  I know that I really shouldn’t be bitching here as I always want to read people who are positive which is one of the reason I haven't written much about the lack of success we have had this year but I just needed to get it out. 

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