Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hormones and memory

I think that I have done a good job keeping my hormones in check during this pregnancy.  I know someone else who is pregnant and her husband constantly says that she is a bear to live with.  Everytime I get off the phone with him, I ask my husband if I'm like that and he assures me I'm not.  I have had my episodes of fits but  can usually get them under control quickly or I just go into bed and cry it out.  But, like many of the bad parts of pregnancy, you forget about them.  Well last night I had a crying episode over something so stupid.  I think I mentioned before that we rented a house at the beach for the summer about an hour away from our house and have been going every weekend.  Well, for some reason, when I'm there I always leave the water in the kitchen on.  Sometimes I even check it and swear that it's off only to hear my husband calling my name a few minutes later to tell me it is on.  It's never happend at our house, until last night.  My husband was taking a shower and as usual, I had to go to the bathroom and couldn't wait for him to finish.  Because it had been a whole 20 minutes since I last went and heaven forbid I wait more 20 minutes.  I washed my hands when I was done and left.  A few minutes later I hear my husband calling my name, I left the water on again which he saw when he got out of the shower.  He was a little irritated because it made his shower super hot and he couldnt figure out what was going on.  I went to check because I was certain I had turned it off but sure enough, the water was running.  I turned it off and went back t the kitchen only to break down in a crying fit.  I couldn't help myself.  It was so stupid but my hormones got the best of me.  I just can't stand being so dumb and forgetfull alll the time.  It's such an effort to remember things.   Thankfully, my husband helped me quickly laugh at myself.  My doctor said that pregnant women have the memory of a goldfish.  Even better, she said that I should get better after I give birth but may not be back to normal.  Really?  I need my memory back!!  This is so annoying.

1 comment:

  1. It drives you crazy right? You try so hard to double check that you have done something and it still happens! Hang in there!
